“I happen to be the best local file transfer app on Earth”, Feem. Feem is a cross-platform app that works like Bluetooth but faster. You don’t need the […]
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Flavien Kouatcha Wins the African Entrepreneurship Award
Flavien Kouatcha has been named one of the winners of the 2017 African Entrepreneurship Award by BMCE Bank of Africa. Flavien will bag $100,000 from the $1 million […]
Help Yourself – App That Gives Low-cost Solutions To Health Problems In Developing Countries
Help Yourself (HY) is an Android Application developed by Maealth Inc. that provides ‘actionable, educative and life-saving health information to users’. Developing countries in particular have poor access […]
Facebook Introduces Messenger Kids, A Social Media App for Children
Facebook has built a communication app with parental controls for kids in their pre-teens. Messenger Kids, according to Facebook is to help safeguard against kids who may be […]
You Don’t Know Africa! Checkout Game by David Bauer
Do you really know Africa? I was surprised myself that as an African, I don’t know the specific positions on the map of many African countries. This game […]
5 Effective Ways to Get a Profitable Business Idea in Africa
Many find it difficult coming up with a profitable business idea. Our surrounding is filled with ideas that if developed can be very useful. You don’t have to […]
Le recyclage est une façon idéale de préserver l’environnement
[trend-ad-shortcode id=”5751″ title=”Google Ads Medium Rectangle”] Créer une entreprise de recyclage revient à réduire tout ce volume important de déchets qui jonche nos pays Africaine et qui jusqu’ici […]
RIJLF Updates: France, Congo Brazza & Togo Joins the Young Francophone Leaders International Network
More countries are becoming affiliated to the RIJLF, Réseau International des Jeunes Leaders Francophones. After Burkina Faso and Mauritania, Chad, Togo, Congo Brazaville and France became official members […]
15 Businesses You Can Start With Little Capital in Cameroon
It is very possible to start a business with no capital. However, it depends on what you mean by no capital. We have this tendency of always thinking […]
Le moringa accompagne le Benin à booster son économie
Brief: Le moringa une plante indispensable à la vie au regard de ses vertus Dans l’optique de promouvoir des bienfais du moringa dans le monde en général et […]