Become A Freelance Content Marketer In Cameroon

In a previous post, I wrote about 5 online business models that can be started in Cameroon. We also had a glimpse of what it takes to start, run and grow a business in Cameroon explained in the same post. With the growing need for content by businesses and brands in Cameroon, becoming a freelance content marketer should be a plus to you.

Many businesses today want to cut down their expensive traditional marketing budget since they have seen that content marketing is becoming very effective and costs far less. If you are marketer with vision, you will know that the best thing to do is for your to enter into content marketing. The nice thing about being a freelance content marketer is that you can do it part-time as well as full-time. To start with, let’s first of all see what content marketing is all about.

What is Content Marketing?

It is a form of marketing whereby the marketer creates, publishes and distributes content online to a target audience. The content marketing business model therefore focuses on the marketer consistently creating relevant and valuable content that is distributed to retain and attract a specific audience.

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In this situation, the priority is providing useful information to your audience and not actually selling your product or services. A content marketer solves the issues of customers or audience and may also bring about a profitable customer action.

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What does a Freelance Content Marketer do?

Freelance content marketers are there to attract and transform prospects into customers by the creation and sharing of valuable content which is usually free. As a content marketer in Cameroon, your job will be to create brand loyalty, provide valuable information to clients and create the willingness for customers to purchase the product or service of a business in the future.

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Why Do Brands & Businesses Need a Freelance Content Marketer?

If you are a business and want to generate sales or create brand awareness in Cameroon for your product or service, then content marketing will be a necessity for you. Below are what businesses and brands expect when they want to serve their clients with valuable and relevant content:

  • Generate leads and drive traffic

  • Increase brand awareness and build customer loyalty

  • Grow their customer base

  • Increase or generate sales online

  • Engage with users in an online community

  • Get ranked high on search engines

In content marketing, the marketer is out to meet the customers’ need for information and not to create demand for a new need. This means you are not just selling out a product or service. You are giving out valuable information to get back something valuable.

Read Also: Content Marketing Basics – Writing In Your Client’s Voice

To be a freelance content marketer, you will need to continuously and consistently deliver large amounts of valuable content to your audience. Your main focus as a content marketer should be to meet the needs of a customer or prospect. Once you already know the need of your customer, you can provide content in varied forms. It could be in the form of videos, news, photos, e-books, white papers, infographics, newsletters, blogs and so on.

Was this post helpful? Do you need a digital content marketing partner? Do you want to become a freelance writer in Cameroon? Don’t hesitate to get in touch for more information. Leave your comments below and share this post so others can benefit. Don’t forget to subscribe for more!

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