OpenHub Digital provides resources and tools for local businesses, foreign investors and entrepreneurs in Cameroon. Business Registration…
Create a New Company Today – Get Your Cameroon Based LLC Now
OpenHub Digital is your trusted partner for starting a new company in Cameroon. We help you register your company and stay legal always. No need to waste your […]
Company tax assessment period in Cameroon
The company tax is assessed on profits realized within the 12-month period. However, there’s an exception to this rule when it comes to tax assessment period in Cameroon.
After you incorporate your business in Cameroon, what next?
You did incorporate your business in Cameroon, but now what? It’s very exciting when you get your first business registered. However, it’s also difficult for those doing it […]
Compliance and legal requirements to register a company in Cameroon
Are you ready to start a business in Cameroon? I be sharing with you today the compliance and legal requirements to register a company in Cameroon.
Handy Services – Democratizing Access to Services
Find service providers in categories of Construction, Health Care, Hospitality, Real Estate, Fashion, Entertainment and many more. Handy Services helps facilitate and ease business interactivity between service providers and their clients.
8 Best Business Ideas to Start in Bamenda with Little Capital
Bamenda is the regional capital of the North West Region of Cameroon. It’s also the 5th largest city in the country after Douala, Yaounde, Garoua, and Kousseri with […]
How to treat modifications affecting your business in Cameroon
Are you considering doing some modifications in your business?
What stops you from starting a business in Cameroon?
6 things some claim stops them from starting a business in Cameroon I have met people who have great ideas that have a potential to become a successful […]
Corporate titles for unregistered businesses
The best corporate titles for a business that has not been legally registered