Brief: If one of your resolutions was to register your business in 2019, then you still have time to do it. Just get in touch with OpenHub Digital, […]
Sole Proprietorship or Limited Liability Company: Which is Best for You?
Confused about choosing between a sole proprietorship and an LLC for your business in Cameroon? Discover the key differences and find out which structure suits your needs best!
#CameroonBusiness #SoleProprietorship #LimitedLiabilityCompany #BusinessStructure #Entrepreneurship #OpenHubDigital
What do I need to register a limited company in Cameroon?
This is a continuation to my previous post that explained the different types of sole proprietor businesses in Cameroon. I am going to talk about what you need […]
October 2019 questions and answers on OpenHub
Brief: OpenHub Digital is not just a website to get information, but a platform where we interact with our audience. I will be sharing with you October 2019 […]
Before you launch your business in Cameroon …
A simple guide to help you launch your business in Cameroon successfully Setting up a business may not be that easy for many, especially in Cameroon. It takes […]
Choose the right business structure – Limited Company or Sole proprietorship
Brief: Once you take the decision to start a business, you need to choose the right business structure. I know many in Cameroon go for a limited liability […]
Scratching your scrotum is sweet…
That not withstanding, let the sweetness not make you continue scratching, because it can only worsen the situation. In order to make things soothing to your groins and […]