Why Do Printers Put Their Name & Number On Posters?

Have you ever asked yourself why printers put their contact or business name on posters, leaflets and handbills (fliers)? In my previous post on stamp duty and on print advertising in Cameroon, I promised to share with you how councils collect stamp duty on print advertising.

In the same post, I shared with you the stamp duty rate for print advertising in Cameroon – 3% on the cost of advertising for each medium. The print categories include Advertising hoardings, Leaflets and handbills Posters which I explained in the previous post.

This came after a post I made on 8 common council taxes in Cameroon you may not know. I wonder how many people knew that the charge on advertising is a council tax.

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Stamp duty collection for posters, leaflets, handbills

The stamp duty for the above is deducted at source by enterprises under the specialized management units. This enterprises have the authorization to collect the stamp duty and pay into their centers of attachment just like other taxes, duties and charges.

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There are also advertising agencies that collect stamp duties on advertising from other advertisers.

Advertising Agency – An authorized corporate body that commercializes advertising spaces opened by them for advertisers.

Once they collect the stamp duties on advertising from advertisers, they pay the amount within fifteen (15 days) of the end of the month that the duty was was collected.

Below is what happens in each medium for Posters, leaflets and handbills. They are in two categories – those printed in Cameroon and those imported.

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Printed in Cameroon

For leaflets, posters and handbills (fliers) printed in Cameroon:

  • the printer who is established in Cameroon, keeps a countersigned register as instructed by the Registration Services where they record all posters, leaflets and handbills that they print.
  • they are obliged to file a declaration and pay the duty collected in the previous quarter in the first month of each quarter. This means, they collect the duty from their customers and pay on their behalf.
  • the printers are obliged to print their name and number on the posters, leaflets and handbills that is found in the printing register. The printer registers the collected duty in the printing register.

It isn’t an advert for printers

The last point above is the reason why printers put their names and number in a hidden corner of your posters, leaflets and handbills. Just like many of you out there thought before reading this, I had always known that they were actually advertising their services.

I have worked as a freelance print broker for long and until I saw this when I was doing my Master’s Degree in Tax Law, I will confess I put my number and business name for publicity.

I must have been saved from penalties because most of my print jobs were not for commercial purposes. I am also ashamed to say that I had an unregistered business at that time – that wasn’t good for me at all. I wished I had registered it and worked legally. By then I didn’t know the advantages of having a registered business.

Let’s see what happens with posters, leaflets and handbills printed outside Cameroon.

Printed outside Cameroon

Take note of these before you import print advertising materials to Cameroon:

  • make sure you declare their nature and quantity to the Tax Office of your residence or business headquarter
  • pay the stamp duty for the posters, leaflets and fliers within the month of entry into Cameroon at your designated tax collection office
  • know that the documents are not used until you have paid for the stamp duty

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That’s not all about advertising stamp duty. Have you ever heard about advertising hoardings?

That’s what I be sharing with you in my next post. I will also let you know how their stamp duty is collected. Stay tuned to your favorite business blog, OpenHub Digital.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for your company registration needs, business license, small business taxes, business plan development, social media marketing, website design, training / coaching and content writing needs.

We help entrepreneurs start, run and grow their business in Cameroon.

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