You are done with declaring your taxes and it’s now time for you to pay what is due to the government. The next question that comes to mind […]
What You Need to Know About Income Tax Declaration in Cameroon
The tax authority in Cameroon has put in place deadlines for income tax declarations which taxpayers are bound to respect.
Withholding Tax: Exemption for Local Purchases of Petroleum Products by Marketers
A withholding tax is an income tax paid by the payer to the government on behalf of the recipient of the income. For instance, the employer usually withholds […]
Capital Gains Tax in Cameroon Reduced from 10% to 5% – 2019 Finance Law
Capital Gains Tax in Cameroon Capital gain occurs when the sales price of a capital asset is more than the purchase price. To be more precise, it is […]
Passion for Fashion: Meet Nanga Kelly Ashley, A 12-Year-Old Cameroonian Designer
One thing I have come to accept in my life as a business coach is that everyone had abilities as they grew up that did not reflect those […]
Some Tips on the 2019 Finance Law of Cameroon
Many business owners or entrepreneurs in Cameroon rarely care about what the finance law or the changes that are made in the General Tax Code. The 2019 Finance […]
How to Start a Clothing Business in Cameroon
Cameroonians are just so talented but rarely believe in their talents. Most of the times, they wait for someone with same talent to become successful before they engage.The […]
Business Model: Comment rentabiliser un site de petites annonces
Il n’y a pas de propriĂ©taire d’entreprise qui n’aimerait pas Ă©largir sa clientèle. En fait, l’objectif principal de toute personne ayant une activitĂ© et qui souhaiterait l’agrandir ou […]
Business and Revenue Models for Classified Ads
There is no business owner who wont want to broaden their customer base. In fact, the aim of anyone who wants his or her business to grow or […]
Business Model: L'entreprise Des Petites Annonces
Quand on pense Ă monter une activitĂ© en ligne comme le e-commerce par exemple, la première des choses qu’on se dit c’est que le marchĂ© est saturĂ©. En […]