Section 7 General Tax Code: Determining Net Taxable Profits. This section outlines the process for calculating net taxable profits.
Section 4 General Tax Code: Exemptions from Company Tax
Section 4 General Tax Code: Exemptions from Company Tax. It outlines specific exemptions from Company Tax in Cameroon.
5 Businesses That Would Thrive in Cameroon Hard Economic Times
5 Businesses That Would Thrive in Cameroon Hard Economic Times – security, childcare, healthcare, food, and necessities, etc.
Guide to Incorporating a Private Limited Company in Cameroon
A simple, step-by-step guide answering common questions about how to incorporate a private limited company in Cameroon under OHADA law.
#RegisteringaBusinessinCameroon #CompanyIncorporation #OHADALaw #CameroonBusiness #BusinessRegistrationTips
Starting a Barbing Salon in Cameroon as a Limited Company: A Step-by-Step Guide
Starting a Barbing Salon in Cameroon as a Limited Company: A Step-by-Step Guide to help you start your barbing salon in Cameroon.
Starting a Barbing Salon in Cameroon as a Sole Proprietor: A Complete Guide
Starting a Barbing Salon in Cameroon as a Sole Proprietor: A Complete Guide to help you set up your barbing salon.
How to Create an Enterprise in Limbe, Cameroon: A Step-by-Step Guide
Register your enterprise in Limbe. Contact us today at OpenHub Consulting to start your business journey in Cameroon.
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How Angela Built a Successful Business from Home
How Angela E. Built a Successful Business Online from Her Living Room
What is interest paid to investors?
Technology startups in Cameroon receive favourable tax incentives to stimulate investment and promote the growth of the digital economy. These include a reduced income tax rate of 5% on interest paid to investors and dividends paid to shareholders, and on movable capital revenue. This strategy is part of the government’s plan to foster entrepreneurship, attract investment, and support the development of the technology sector in the country.
What is dividends paid to shareholders?
Cameroon offers a tax incentive to encourage investment in technology startups. Any dividends paid to shareholders and income tax on movable capital revenue or investor interest are taxed at a reduced rate of 5%. The government aims to stimulate the growth of the digital economy, entrepreneurship, and attract more investment to the tech sector. Startups and investors should, however, consult tax professionals to understand the eligibility criteria and other associated requirements.