I thought it necessary for me to inform you on why I started this OpenHub Digital. It may look easy to plant a seed, but grooming it to grow is where you may find difficulties.
How the idea came about
As an entrepreneur, running a business is not something you have to do from 8am to 5pm like a normal job on weekdays leaving behind Saturdays and Sundays. To be an entrepreneur demands much and in some cases, it’s a full-time occupation.
I faced a lot of problems with the tax office when I created my first business in Douala. I was ignorant of many things and some unscrupulous tax officers turned me into their breadbasket. Some of you may be going through a similar bumpy road, though with the advantage that we are here to guide you.
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Important documentation for business people was almost in-existent in English or difficult to find. When you find it in English, it makes little or no sense because it was poorly translated. You would hardly find information on how to do business in Cameroon, on the Internet.
The road has been sloppy
This is how the idea of starting something that could be of help to my community as well as put some bread on my table came about. It was time I get out of the building. This was one of the most difficult stages that I had as a starter. I had to stop planning and start doing.
To start with, I had to get further education on tax and business law in French. I have not yet seen a school that does tax law in Cameroon in English. For me to achieve my goals, I needed to make lemonade out of lemons. Even if there was, I would still have preferred it in French because you can easily get first hand knowledge which is better than getting an English translation.
Studying in French helped me to understand better and know how to explain the laws better using English. The time came when I had to get of the building and put my ideas on test to real people. It has not been an easy task, though the feedback from customers have always been good.
Take advantage of this Promo Package
Three years was not too much for me to learn the system and understand where we can reduce costs in order to open the doors for many entrepreneurs to have their businesses registered. We are still doing our best to look for avenues where we can encourage entrepreneurs to incorporate their companies in Cameroon.
For instance, if you take our Premium Package, we will offer you a free one year web hosting and a ready-made high quality search engine optimized one-page responsive website. What we need from you is a domain name and you will get free hosting and a website designed with high quality content.
The right team on board
Together with my team members, we have a wide network of collaborators that make things easier. We always have an answer to your questions.
If you want information on any legal business type in Cameroon, we are at your service to provide it to you.
As an entrepreneur, you need to get the right people on the bus. I could not do all these alone without the help of others who have contributed great ideas. We have done our best to get the best riders and not the best horses. Our team, for the past four years, have kept on trying and improving in each new venture we make.
It’s time for you to also get out of the building and start your dream business. As for beginners, entrepreneurship is more about taking spontaneous action and less about planning and control. People first (riders), then ideas (horses).
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If you didn’t check on our platform recently, then you need to do so now. There is a lot of information for those who plan to start a business in Cameroon.
– See the difference between a private and public limited company.
– Benefits of choosing a private limited company as your business structure.
– Tax guide for limited liability companies in Cameroon
– Steps to form a limited company in Cameroon
For those who may want to a business in Cameroon, OpenHub Digital is at your service. We offer small business advisory services, company incorporation, business plan development, website design, content marketing and training services.
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