Starting your own daycare center or crèche can be a great way to make some extra money.
Company Profile – 3ConeX Limited
3ConeX Limited is a progressive company that offers training on 21st century skills that is committed to bringing the value of digital skills, technology and STEM to a generation that no longer needs excuses or limitations.
The best Fast-Food Restaurant Operator’s Guide in Cameroon
Let’s see some of the most important factors to consider when opening a fast-food restaurant in Cameroon.
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Why do kids in Cameroon need to learn to code
Kids who grow up with a foundation of computational thinking and coding are better equipped to collaborate on a project, work together in a team, and communicate effectively with others.
Company Registration, Business setup, and getting a Business License Company in Cameroon
OHC Business Center is a one-stop platform where people who want to start a business are one click away from their dream.
The Future of Africa, Its Economic Potential & Technology
Information & Communication Technology will influence engineering, science, business, politics, law, culture, and many other areas in the life of Africans.
Douala – Shared Office Space at 3ConeX WorkSpace
3ConeX WorkSpace is quiet, well furnished, superfast Internet, 24/7 power availability, free coffee, parking, and many other things to benefit from.
Programming Will Help Your Child to be Persistent, Consistent & Patient
The 9-month Programming course for kids by 3ConeX will teach your child to be persistent, consistent & patient in everything they do.
Improve Your Child’s Arts & Creativity Using Coding
Coding helps bring out the creative potential of children. Enrol your child for the Coding for Kids course by 3ConeX online & on-site…
Coding Helps Improve Critical Thinking Skills in Kids
Critical thinking helps for better decision-making, which is not only helpful for programmers, but will be helpful for your children’s future needs.