Do you want to start a limited liability company in Cameroon?
A limited liability company is the best business structure for small and medium-sized businesses in Cameroon.
The government has put in place measures to ease its creation. One of such measure is the minimum authorized capital of XAF100,000 which is below the minimum put in place by OHADA (XAF1,000,000).
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Limited liability companies help business owners to protect their personal assets, as their liability is limited only to what they’ve invested in the business.
Starting a limited liability company is very easy. You can choose one of two ways:
- do it yourself or
- hire a professional service like OpenHub Digital
I will explain both methods in this guide.
Do it yourself
1. Choose your town
Here, the best option is to choose the town or Region where you’re going to carry out activities. That not withstanding, you can choose to register your business anywhere in Cameroon and still carry out activities all over the country.
You can expand your business to other areas (towns, municipalities or regions) in Cameroon as branches of the company.
2. Choose a company name
You have to choose a name for your limited liability company before you register. There are rules and regulations put in place by the legislator when choosing a name.
The company name must include the phrase limited liability company or any of its abbreviations (PLC, P.L.C., SA, Ltd or SARL).
There are some restrictive words like Law Firm, Banks that may require additional paperwork or licence. It may also require that a licensed professional should be part of the limited liability company.
Make sure not to use words that can confuse your business with government agencies.
As an added value, do ensure that your business name is available as a web domain, even if you don’t plan having a website now. It’s advisable for you to reserve the by buying in order to use when you’re ready.
3. Compile formation documents
To form a limited liability company in Cameroon, you need to follow the compliance and legal requirements put in place by the legislator.
These include:
- National identity card (nationals), passport or resident permit (foreigners) and birth certificate (minors).
- Criminal record or non-conviction certificate
- Business location sketch
- Tenancy agreement
- Articles and Memorandum of Association
4. Choose a one-stop shop
You need to look for the nearest Formality Center for Enterprise Creation, where you will the deposit the company formation documents you compiled.
They’re called one-stop shop for business creation and is located in the capital town of each Region, except the SW Region, that is located in Limbe.
5. Get a taxpayer identification number
After company formation is completed, you need to apply for a unique identification number (also known as tax identification number).
The unique identification number is used to identify business entities for tax purposes.
For your business to go operational in Cameroon, you need to obtain a business licence from the tax office. To apply for a business licence, you need a taxpayer identification number.
Using OpenHub Digital Services
The second option you can take to register a limited liability company in Cameroon is using our services. Why will you choose this option?
Clarity in formalities
Investors or entrepreneurs need to go through a number of legal and compliance formalities before they start a business in Cameroon.
As a business registration consultant, we’re familiar with these formalities and can make sure that your business setup process runs smoothly.
We offer expert advice
All of our clients have been happy with us because of the expert advice they receive for free from our team. As a business registration service consultancy business, our team of experts understand and have experience on what it takes to register companies, obtain operation licence (if needed) as well as business licence.
With our understanding of the marketplace, we can offer you advice on which business works best in the region where you want your company incorporated.
We do give advice on the risk associated with selecting a legal form you’ve chosen for your business. We also give you advice on tax advantages you can benefit from.
We help ensure a smooth registration process
We help you avoid the back and forth movements involved in the company formation process. This will be beneficial for you as certain costs and time loss will be reduced. This means you can use the time to do other things.
Our team of consultants have years of experience in incorporating limited liability companies in Cameroon. This will allow for an easy business registration with no difficulties.
Our fees
Our fees are very moderate:
- NW & SW Region (30,000FCFA + Notary Public [Administrative] Fees + State Fees)
- Littoral Region & Center Region (50,000FCFA + Notary Public [Administrative] Fees + State Fees)
At OpenHub Digital, we’re dedicated to providing you with the useful information on how to start, run and grow your business in Cameroon.
We wish to get your feedback in the comment section on other information you may need to help achieve your dreams as an entrepreneur.
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