Scratching your scrotum is sweet…

That not withstanding, let the sweetness not make you continue scratching, because it can only worsen the situation. In order to make things soothing to your groins and environs, you need to figure out if it will not affect the real sweetness. Boys know what I am talking about. The earlier you stop scratching your scrotum, the better. Let’s ride on!

For those who don’t know, I will explain. My grand-father (“old soldier” of blessed memory) used to say “when something wants to kill you, it gets sweeter”. Maybe not the exact words, but the meaning remains the same. Keeping balls aside, most of the businesses you find online in Cameroon today, are not registered.

They may be getting “juicy” packages right now and see no reason why they have to register their business. How sweet it is when you are scratching your scrotum!? However, they don’t know that they are building a great legacy with no foundation. A legacy that may not stand the test of time if they don’t get a timely solution to it now.

3ConeX WorkSpace

That wasn’t possible, but this is possible

Talking about time, the real juice is yet to come. When it comes, then you will understand what I am trying to say. You may think registering a company today is not necessary. Many have come to me to do things that I am not able to do. You may want to know why you should register your business and why and how to do so in Cameroon.

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Just last week, the owner of one very popular business online got in touch with me. “Man, I need to register my company as soon as possible,” he said.

“Could you also backdate it like 5 years back? I told the partners who want to invest that my company has been running for 5 years now,” he continued.

You have been in business for 5 good years and you have no foundation? Then you weren’t in business. You were enjoying the sweetness in scratching your scrotum. Now it’s time to enjoy the real “sweetness”, your balls and groin areas got blisters. The unfortunate thing is that, it can only be treated as it is now and not five years back.

Anyone who tells you he can do such is in just to get your money and phweee like the legendary Nigerian actor, Sam Loco (RIP) will say. As for the former, I told him we could register a company for him within 7 considering he does what is necessary. Prevention is better than cure should be the watch phrase just like in your health.

3ConeX WorkSpace

Transparency is the primo

OpenHub Digital does that in all transparency. We don’t charge you high bills and then claim there’s too much bureaucracy just to justify our high bills. You may not believe what I am saying happens out there. Most of those who don’t deliver your work on time or give a longer time frame than what’s real are those who charge high bills.

He wanted to be legit, but fell in the wrong hands

My friend paid a huge sum as advance for the creation of his company. He came later on and asked us to design a website for his business which should be ready in time. That’s when the company registration will be done already. We designed a fantastic website for him with high quality search engine optimized content.

The website was up for a whole year and we had to bring it down. He had a legit business, but his consultant had not registered as she promised. There are many of such consultants out there, so you need to be very careful with whom you are dealing with. However, the good ones are also there doing a great job that needs to be applauded.

Why my friend became really angry

We usually meet to drink coffee and he told me he has friends in the diaspora who really want to invest but are not sure how to go about it. One thing let to another and we finally came to a conclusion on what to do. It may not be easy, but when there is a cup of coffee around, my thinking capacity becomes very alert.

If you are out there in the US and a lover of Cameroonian coffee, check out Bamenda Coffee. It is straight from the Highlands of Bamenda to coffee cups in Chicago. You can now place your order and get your free shipping to be delivered to you at your doorsteps.

Within two weeks, we had a discussion on WhatsApp and Etha was born. Etha Inc. is a Telecom Value-Added Service (VAS) company that got it’s license from the Telecommunications Regulatory Agency in Cameroon just one year after it was created. When we all raised the funds, OpenHub Digital registered Etha Inc. within 8 working days (tax registration inclusive).

When the documents came out that fast, my friend called me on a cup of coffee and told me he hasn’t still gotten even an unsigned Article of Association for his company he had paid for. He called the consultant involved after seeing the rapidity in which the work was done. This was done on front of me. Guess what she said!

The consultant told him, XYZ is happening and that she needs ABC (money again) to continue. He told her I have here in front of me a complete company file that was done in less than 10 days and less than half the amount she asked. These are the people who make investors to run away from bringing in their much needed investment in Cameroon.

Run a legitimate business

It is very necessary for you as an entrepreneur to run a legit business. My friend would have continued running his business without registering it. However, he knows the consequences. He didn’t want to enjoy the sweetness of scratching his scrotum and running later to ask the doctors to do the impossible.

The reputation of his business mattered more than anything else. He paid for an office, paid for his website to be hosted and designed, yet didn’t carry on his business. Your business’ reputation matters a lot. It is never too late to do the right thing. Be a reputable business by registering your business now if you already have it running.

Stop running behind those who already have registered businesses to help you. The commission you pay them is more than half of the tax that you would have paid to the government. At the end, the recommendations and good reviews will not be yours. Positive reviews and recommendations help to embellish your business.

We can help you become legit

Register your business with OpenHub Digital to avoid not enjoying the “sweetness” when the time comes. We also:

– Develop or add life to your business plan

– Design an attractive and crowd-pulling website

– Engaging search engine optimized content for your website

– Build your business’ reputation with our reputable copywriters who can put out to the public high quality content for your press release and promos

Train you or your staff on a wide range of necessary skills to start, run and grow your business.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you really want to run a legit business in Cameroon from anywhere in the world. Get in touch with us below:

Stop scratching your scrotum! 🙂 It will develop blisters 🙁

If you want anything that we offer, hit us up now. Don’t hesitate to drop a comment below. You can also join our Telegram channel OpenHub Digital Official for updates or our WhatsApp Group Doing Business in Cameroon for questions.

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