Company Registration, Business setup, and getting a Business License Company in Cameroon

Would you like to start your own business in Cameroon, but don’t know how? Here’s a simple guide that will take you through the process of company registration and getting a business license in Cameroon using OHC Business Center.

What Is OHC Business Center?

It is the one-stop platform where people who want to start a business are one click away from their dream.

Once you start, you get the simple solution of the legal requirements and paperwork, and how you start, run, and grow a business in Cameroon.

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With this, your business will just flow.

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Fresh business names and company brand names are always a race and not a game for us. We take accountability for our approach so that once someone is attracted, and we close the agreement, it becomes a process that is lucrative to both of us.

By experience, not everyone who has an idea of starting a business will be successful to do it without our help.

What Is a Limited Company?

A company is a legal entity with some corporate rights.

It represents a group of people who share some common purpose, intent, or interest. They act as a single will, thinking, and willing unit.

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A company is legally distinct from the separate individuals who comprise it.

Just like each person is a “Tabe John” in court, a company isn’t just a bunch of “Tabe Johns”.

A company has its own identity and will and goals apart from its members.

It can have its own taxes, marketing, and assets, which must be reported separately from those of the individuals who make it up.

Who Needs a Registered Company in Cameroon?

In Cameroon, everyone who wants to start a business must register.
Limited liability companies are an attractive starting point because they offer limited personal liability protection, which means the company’s only exposure when the ownership of the company is being challenged by an outside source.

Carrying forward costs of the formation and registration of a company in Cameroon can be quite cumbersome. However, you can consider hiring an agent or agency to take care of the paperwork for you.

OHC, Your Company Registration Agent

Are you planning to start a business in Cameroon? The first thing to do when you want to register a company in Cameroon is to search for a company incorporation agent. These agents will help you create a company and deal with all the legalities, from getting a name to company formation.

One of the best company incorporation agents in Cameroon is OHC Ltd. OpenHub Consulting offers trustworthy company formation services. They have agents in all the major cities in Cameroon and other countries like Ghana.

OpenHub Consulting Ltd is the #1 provider of company incorporation services in Cameroon. Our Company Registration service is fast and simple.

You just need to fill out an easy registration form, attach your documents and submit them to us.

We can officially register your company within a few days.

The main advantage of OHC Ltd is its ability to offer the services of a company agent in Cameroon, a legal expert in the field of business formations. They will not only assist you in registering the company but will ensure that your business is compliant with the rules and regulations of doing business in Cameroon.

One of the advantages OpenHub Consulting Limited offers is that they understand your requirements better than you and have a local network to ease things for you.

Registration Requirements for New Business Opening

If you are interested in setting up a company in Cameroon, you first need to know what documents you need to file an application to register a company in Cameroon.

Once you have done this, you need to assemble all the documents and file them with the relevant authority.

You can use our service to help you draft the documents and file them with the authorities in Cameroon.

To register your business in Cameroon, you need to meet the following requirements:

  • Have a business office
  • Have a bank account
  • Have a valid business license
  • Have a valid permit (if applicable)
  • Have a valid passport or identity card for Cameroonians
  • Have a valid entry visa for foreigners
  • Have a valid residence permit

To make an application for Company Registration in Cameroon, please check out OpenHub Consulting Ltd. or visit their office at Bijoux Bonamoussadi, Douala.

OHC’s important things to take note of when starting a business in Cameroon

  • The Cameroon Government is the main force responsible for the registration of companies in Cameroon. Companies need to be registered for a number of reasons, but the main reason is taxation.
  • Cameroonian companies are taxed using three different rates, depending on the size of the business and the number of employees. The Flat Rate, Simplified and Actual Earnings Tax Systems.
  • The company name is one of the essential parts of your brand. Make sure it is catchy, memorable,, and unique. It needs to be relevant to your target audience. It is the first impression that your audience gets of your brand. So, be creative. If you are a new company, you don’t have any experience, or it is a new product, you might consider using a short, catchy, and unique company name.
  • It is important to get your company name right. Your company name should reflect the focus of your business. So, if your business is marketing oriented, you should ensure that your company name is also marketing oriented. A strong brand is what makes the difference between a business that fails and a business that succeeds. If you are not sure what your company name should be, get in touch with OHC Ltd, and we will help you.

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