Business Idea: Tour Agency for Local Tourism

I was thinking about this great business idea that you can start. I know very well it is not easy getting a business idea, not to talk of putting it in place. You should know well about tour agency business. However, what made me to think about was the fact that I see Cameroonians in particular taking vacation out of the country when they have the means.

Tour Agency
Cameroon – Home of a Musgum Source: My Lovely Africa

Cameroon is one of the richest tourist destination in Africa with a stunning diversity in its landscape. The undulating hills, rich equatorial rain forest, pristine ocean coastlines, white-sand and black volcanic sand beaches , a spanning savanna, large mammals and many others. Yet most of us only hear of it but have never seen or paid a visit. People out of Cameroon are dying to get a glimpse of the beauty nature has offered us. Yet we are not even aware of this beauty.

Related: Cameroon, “Africa in Miniature”

Maybe it’s time for us to encourage our people, especially the young and middle class to choose local tourism over vacations out of the country. It’s time you start that travel tour company of yours to make Cameroonians in particular to visit and consume their own.

The nice thing is that they know these destinations do exist and are real. Where the problem comes is the destinations are not promoted and hence holds very little appeal to those who may have seen famous tourist sites in other countries.

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We all know that the tourism industry in Cameroon has seen some growth in the past years. However, most of the local tour agencies concentrate on foreigners and neglect locals. This is time for you to take this weakness of the industry as a step in creating a profitable business. A local tour agency to benefit locals is a lucrative niche in Cameroon’s tourism industry. A smart entrepreneur can take this opportunity and organize group tours on a monthly bases. Such trips could be planned around public and national holidays. You can promote it heavily on social media.

In this niche, there is low competition as of now in the industry. Your tour agency could provide pre-arranged tours with custom packages. Don’t rule out the fact that customers may also have their own specifications. The services should be of high quality, cheap and comfortable, informative and should be tailored to meet the clients needs.

The marketing strategy should be based on making sure customers know the existence of your travel tour company. As of now, social media can be the cheapest tool and if implemented well, will be a great strategy to penetrate the market. Make sure the prices offered takes into consideration your customers’ budget. Your marketing should show a sense of quality in every promotion, publication and picture you put out there.

Recommended: Best Tourist Locations in the Central Africa Region

The tour agency should not just organize sightseeing excursions. You should ensure that your customers appreciate nature by giving informative briefs on places you visit. Let your business model be sustainable as in being development oriented. The company should grow alongside the communities that live around these sites.

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As a local tour agency, you should offer a cheaper alternative that has an added value that will attract young Cameroonians to choose local tourism over vacations abroad.

If you found this business idea worth engaging in, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are at your disposal and will always get a team you can work with in any business you plan to develop. Don’t hesitate to leave a comment below and share with friends and family. Subscribe for more from us!

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