Nigerian Inventor Builds Car That Can Run On Sea

Have you ever heard of ‘an aero-amphibious jet car’ apart from watching in sci-fi movies? This is what Kehinde Durojaiye, a Nigerian inventor is trying to build to beat the heavy traffic congestion in Lagos. If his dream of a car that can fly, sail and run on land comes true, then it may be an answer to the heavy traffic jam in the city of Lagos and Nigeria as a whole.

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‘Kenny Jet’ as Durojaiye is fondly called, said he has achieved the two of his goals – “I tested it in the sea and a lot of people were surprised it can move on the land and sea,” he told CNN. What is now remaining is for him to fly it.

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He says he has used his car to travel to Ibadan from Lagos, a distance of about 135km and claims it can run 120km/hr on land and sail six knots on the sea.

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Kehinde Durojaiye is 46 years and spends most of his time in his workshop that is located besides a dump site in around the Lagos lagoon. He has been a keen inventor from his childhood days. He is married and a father of four.

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He has four prototype cars that he spends his time refining. They were made from tossed away plastic, wood and Styrofoam. His latest prototype has an office chair, a steering wheel recycled from a tricycle (keke lepep) and a keyboard.

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According to Durojaiye, he wants the world to know that it is possible to have a machine that can move on land, on sea, can fly and why not move under sea.

What can you say about Durojaiye’s invention? Please don’t hesitate to drop a comment below.

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