Applying for a Tax Clearance Certificate in Cameroon

A tax clearance certificate is a document issued by the tax administration to taxpayers to show proof that their business is in compliance with the government’s tax requirements. The tax clearance certificate in Cameroon is the only document that justifies taxpayers’ compliance in every administrative procedure. It should be noted that the tax clearance certificate in Cameroon represents previous fiscal documents like the business license, certificate of non-indebtedness and the attestation of fiscal situation. Today, it is issued to serve the purpose of the listed documents.

When do you need the tax clearance certificate?

The tax clearance certificate in Cameroon is usually required by the state for those seeking government grants, contracts, permits, certifications, attestations, licenses, authorizations or any accreditation. It can be also requested by organizations or persons who need to verify if your tax is in order. Failure to include the tax clearance certificate in any requests to obtain the above documents shall not be accepted.

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Who issues the tax clearance certificate and on what condition?

The tax clearance certificate in Cameroon is issued by the head of the taxpayer’s tax center as well as online on the website of the Directorate General of Taxation. Click to obtain your the tax clearance certificate. The certificate is issued on two conditions:

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  • the taxpayer making the request does not owe any tax or
  • the taxpayer owes a tax but benefits from stay of execution or a duly signed moratorium issued by competent authorities

How can you obtain the tax clearance certificate in Cameroon

The tax clearance certificate can be issued using the following means:

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1. Manually upon the request of the taxpayer.

It is issued after the taxpayer’s tax situation has gone through a thorough examination to be assured that all taxes and duties have been paid.

2. Online.

The tax clearance certificate can also be obtained online on the website of the tax department.

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How long does it take to get a tax clearance certificate?

The tax clearance certificate is signed by the taxpayers’ chief of center within 24 hours in the case where the taxpayer is free from any tax debt. For those requesting online, it is automatically granted without any additional formalities.

What is the validity period of the tax clearance certificate?

The tax clearance certificate in Cameroon is valid for three (03) months which takes effect from the date of signature. This may be reduced for one month in the case where the taxpayer has benefited from a moratorium or a stay of execution.

How much does do you pay to get a tax clearance certificate?

Unlike some countries that demand a fee to obtain a tax clearance certificate, the document is issued for free in Cameroon. The only charge paid by the taxpayer to obtain the tax clearance certificate in Cameroon is the fiscal stamp that is affixed on the application.

It should be noted that valid tax clearance certificates are made available at the web site of the tax department. This is to ease the verification of their authenticity. In this case, public and private organizations who which to verify the authenticity of a tax clearance certificate in Cameroon can do so on the website of the tax administration.

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