RIJLF Updates: France, Congo Brazza & Togo Joins the Young Francophone Leaders International Network

More countries are becoming affiliated to the RIJLF, Réseau International des Jeunes Leaders Francophones. After Burkina Faso and Mauritania, Chad, Togo, Congo Brazaville and France became official members of the Young Francophone Leaders International Network. Checkout News Briefs: Réseau International des Jeunes Leaders Francophones – RIJLF.

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https://openhubdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/app-development.jpgChad officially joined the RIJLF on November 18, 2017. This day saw the election of the bureau that will manage the affairs of RIJLF-Chad with the Hassan Ibrahim as its National Representative. The Chadian National Bureau includes:

AI Video Creation Tool

National Representative: Hassan Ibrahim

AI Video Creation Tool

National Secretary: Allah-kauis Neneck

Communication: Salma Khalil Alio

Project Manager: Israel Djonabaye


3ConeX WorkSpace

Treasury & Logistics: Fatime boukar Kossei

National Adviser: Mahamat zene Chérif.

Get more about the bureau here.

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France, the birth place of Francophonie became the tenth country to officially join the RIJLF network. The elected bureau of RIJLF-France is made up of:

National Representative: Vincent LAWÉ (form Chad)

Secretary General: Fatimata Simone Farr (from Mauritania)

Treasorer & Project Manager: Anouchka Kponou (from Benin)

Get more about the bureau here.

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Congo Brazzaville

https://openhubdigital.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/congo-brazzaville.jpgCongo Brazza joined the RIJLF network on November 28, 2017 with an elective bureau made up of:

National Representative: MYLANDOU MASSENGO

In charge of Programmes Development: SOULOUKA MOUANDA Giscard

Administration & Finance: MISSIE Yann

Legal Department: METOU MOUINI Vanessa

Communication & PR: MOUKOLOLO Justice

Get more about the bureau here.

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Created just some few months ago and growing in number, the RIJLF had a new member in its network. Togo joined the Young Francophone Leaders International Network on December 2, 2017 in a meeting at Lomé that brought together various leaders. They put in place their bureau headed by its National Representative, Tete Yao Seyram. See below the entire bureau:

National Representative: TETE Yao Seyram

Secretary General: ADEDJE Essivie Wolali

Treasurer: ZEWOU Afiavi Akpénè

Check out updates of other activities of members of the network on RIJLF blog.

RIJLF (Young Francophone Leaders International Network), is an international organization that is engaged in leadership development in French speaking countries in the world has launched its Cameroon branch.

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