Small Business Creation in Cameroon – The One-stop Shop

Small business creation in Cameroon has now become very easy. Many reforms have been taken by the government of Cameroon to ease the creation of businesses. An example is the various Formality Centers for Enterprise Creation. The Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Promotion Agency was created on April 13 2010 to help in providing services that help in the creation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon. Their aim is to bring in as many informal businesses into the formal sector as well as make them more efficient, competitive, innovative and responsible.

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There are ten support centers for Formality Centers for Enterprise Creation located in the various regional headquarters except for the South West Region which is located in the Fako Divisional headquarter of Limbe. They are usually called the One-stop shop for the creation of small and medium-sized enterprises in Cameroon. Check below the list of One-stop shops for business creation in Cameroon and their locations:

  1. Bamenda: Located opposite CRTV Up-Station

  2. Bafoussam: Located at the 4th inter-ministerial building opposite the Mifi SDO’s office

  3. Bertoua: Behind the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  4. Douala: Besides Hotel Beau Séjour

  5. Ebolowa: Located at Carrefour du Monument des Armées

  6. Garoua: Located besides the Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

  7. Limbe: Located at Mile 4 Bonadikombo, besides the Handicraft Village

  8. Maroua: Located in the town centre at Carrefour Para

  9. Ngaoundéré: Located opposite the Gare Marchandise

  10. Yaounde: Located besides the National Radio Station

At these One-stop Shops, you can register a sole-proprietorship business and a private limited company. You can check on the necessary documents and procedure to register a sole-proprietor business in Cameroon. Do you want to register a limited liability company in Cameroon? See the necessary documents you have to obtain. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you need any help. Meanwhile we can help you to carry on with the registration process.

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16 thoughts on “Small Business Creation in Cameroon – The One-stop Shop

  1. Hello,
    I am interested in starting up a company in cameroon and needed some pointers on getting it running. Need to know how to register the business and taxes or fees needed to start running it. I also would like to know the cost to start it legitimately. Please let me know where to start to get it running. I am currently in the United states but will probably be there in the summer once my website and app is finalized. I also would need pointers on advertising my company in cameroon to get tourists and locals on board with it.
    Please let me know
    Lionel Ngouh

      1. Hello good day. I am located in Buea and will like to register my sole proprietorship business but I do not know how to go about it. Please I need to do it as soon as possible so I’ll be waiting for your respond.thanks

    1. I admire the great job you guys are doing to lead Cameroonians to the right path. I plan to contact you guys soon for my potential busi

  2. Hi. I am a masters student in the university of buea carrying out a study on SME use of online marketing in Cameroon. Case study is buea. Will it be possible to get a list of small businesses in Cameroon from the one stop shop in limbe?

  3. Good day OPENHUB, I am an adult male Cameroonian, I wish to create my sole proprietorship Enterprise in Yaounde.Please I wish to know the detail list of documentation to provide, the fee for registration and the location of the Enterprise creation Office in Yaounde.

  4. We appreciate the great work you are doing.Pesently we are working on a hand book to manage community marketable activities and to catergorize them in to SMES.We would need your help in the distinction between small size and midium size Enterprise.
    Agbor Enow.(Kumba Man)

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