Joy2Endure: Back-to-school for Sickle-Cell Warriors

The long holiday is over for pupils and students. School just started again. Parents have taken care of most of the school needs of their children. However, there are some parents / guardians who take care of more than just the school needs. Parents of Warriors. I am talking of Sickle-cell Warriors. They got more than the daily challenges we face. They’ve got to take care of the health of warriors, which is the most important thing to them as they have to battle it out daily.

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According to Arrey Echi, a Warrior and advocate for Sickle-cell Warriors, “parents of sickle-cell warriors have to go the extra mile to prepare their warrior kids for a successful academic year”. In a recent post on her blog, she brings out memories of how her family prepared her for “a successful school year”. Her article is full of tips that could help parents / guardians of warriors to prepare their warriors for the school year.

Warriors or parents / guardians of warriors can read this helpful post, Here Are Some Points To Note When Preparing Your Warrior for Back to School by this great Sickle-cell Anemia advocate, Arrey Echi.

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