Cameroon Aligns with EU Regulations on Deforestation

On 18 July 2024, Cameroon took a significant step towards aligning with the European Union’s stringent regulations on deforestation. The meeting, chaired by Luc Magloire Mbarga Atangana, Minister of Commerce, brought together key government officials to discuss the implications of the EU regulation 2023/1115, which will take effect on 30 December 2024.

Key Participants

The session was attended by ministers and representatives from various departments, including Land, Environment, Labour, Forestry, and Agriculture. The EU delegation was led by Ambassador Jean-Marc Chataigner, accompanied by his close collaborators.

Regulation Overview

The regulation, adopted on 31 May 2023, aims to curb the importation of products linked to deforestation, such as cocoa and coffee. For Cameroon, this regulation is particularly impactful, as 78% of its cocoa and 68% of its coffee exports are destined for the European market. Minister Atangana highlighted the economic stakes, noting that current cocoa prices around 5,000 CFA/kg translate to significant revenue for producers, potentially amounting to 1,500 billion CFA annually from a 300,000-tonne export.

Objectives and Challenges

The main objective of the meeting was to prepare Cameroon for compliance with the regulation, ensuring traceability of products, achieving zero deforestation production, and adhering to legal requirements. Cameroon aims to leverage its unique approach to cocoa and coffee cultivation, which employs agroforestry methods that are less harmful to the environment compared to intensive farming practices.

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Minister Atangana stressed that Cameroon’s producers, who utilize sustainable practices, deserve recognition and market access rather than restrictions. The EU Ambassador detailed the regulation’s requirements, while each Cameroonian minister outlined their department’s role in this compliance process.

Broader Impact

The EU regulation also covers other commodities like beef, palm oil, soy, rubber, and wood. Cameroon’s commitment to aligning with these regulations underscores its dedication to sustainable practices and environmental protection, ensuring continued access to crucial European markets.

Read Also: National Technology Day to Boost Innovation in Cameroon

Current Cocoa and Coffee Prices as of July 18, 2028

Cocoa Prices

  • CIF: 5,156 FCFA/kg
  • FOB: 5,048 FCFA/kg

Arabica Coffee Prices

  • CIF: 3,286 FCFA/kg
  • FOB: 3,151 FCFA/kg

Robusta Coffee Prices

  • CIF: 2,873 FCFA/kg
  • FOB: 2,747 FCFA/kg

Stay informed about the latest market trends and prices for cocoa and coffee to make well-informed business decisions.

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