You can start this business with 50000fcfa in Cameroon

Demography is one of the key defining factor in starting a business in Cameroon. There are certain areas where you can start this business with 50000fcfa in Cameroon wheres in others, it will not be possible.

However, the business I am going to write about is one that you can start with this amount or less anywhere in Cameroon. You can do it as a side-business or a permanent business especially if you have a bigger capital.

The essential is that your money remains with you in cash or virtually. You can get access to your money at anytime you need it. It is a very common business that we can find around. However, starting this is more cost effective.

Call box business in Cameroon

There is no official statistics available to determine the role the call box business plays in the economy of Cameroon. However, there is no lie that this informal sector business is putting food on the table of many households.

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For you to start a call box business, you need just a table, an open space and a phone or two to get started. Under normal circumstances, the activity entails the selling of airtime on behalf of the telecommunication operators.

Those selling get a percentage of the profits immediately they carry out a transaction. You don’t need to go far, except in enclave areas, to find a call box business. An innovation to this is the mobile money transfer businesses.

Mobile money transfer business

With the advent of mobile money in Cameroon, many call box owners went in to add it to their business as an innovation. However, most of them needed additional security and capital. They had to change their tables and get metal kiosks.

These kiosks offer mobile money transfer services usually for a specific provider or all if you have the means to acquire them. If you are using more than one provider, you require an additional phone for each provider and others for airtime transfer.

This means you need to have SIM or RUIM cards for each provider. You also need to have different cards for or phones for airtime transfer if you offer them. This makes it a little cumbersome and expensive.

You need not have only the above – you actually need a minimum capital for each provider to start using the service. This means you need at least 150,000fcfa to carry out mobile money transactions for each provider.

However, things are no longer the same today because of what I am going to propose to you. You may not need most of the things of the above, yet carry out transactions easily. Let’s see what I will propose to you!

If you want to start this business with 50000fcfa in Cameroon, continue to read. You will find the surprise at the end!

If wishes were horses …

There was one time I asked myself why can’t someone work on this to bring all these services by various providers into one easy-to-manage platform!? Just imagine you carrying out all these transactions on a single phone and with no cumbersome codes to memorize.

If there’s one thing I hate, it’s these codes. I feel bad for some of the owners of this businesses as they have to write them down in order not make errors. It’s not only time-consuming for the client but also not very secured.

Imagine you hit the wrong code, ouf!

At times, the things you wish for actually comes. I mean it … all the above services and more in just one smart-phone (app). The nice thing is that you don’t even need to get a new phone for it. You can use yours if it’s a smart-phone.

Touch Pay by InTouch

It’s very necessary for you to understand what I am talking about. Make sure you read to the end to benefit from the discount code I will provide. That is if you want to start this business with 50000fcfa in Cameroon.

Touch is a strategic partner in mobile money and cashless transactions in Africa since 2014. It is registered in Cameroon under InTouch Cameroun Sarl. They cover seven countries in West, East and Central Africa included.


They’ve been in operation in Cameroon since 2018. Touch Pay has over 80 services integrated with just a single contract that allows you to get access to several payment methods.

Many integrated services

With Touch Pay, you have many different means of payment integrated in to one source of funding. This means you don’t need to have cash for each mobile money or airtime transfer provider.

Transaction report

You don’t have to be taking down notes to monitor your transactions. This is one of the biggest problems call box and mobile money agents face. However Touch Pay solves this problem. It gives a consolidated report of all your transactions.

Secure & safe

It is very secure as you can easily monitor and manage all your transactions to avoid fraud. You can also easily withdraw funds anywhere and any time within Cameroon so long as you have Internet connection.

How to get Touch Pay

The process of obtaining a Touch Pay account is very easy.

  • you need to sign a contract after which
  • your Touch account is opened. From there,
  • it is integrated and activated which allows you to
  • accept payments and
  • withdraw your funds at anytime

Continue to read as we have a surprise for you!

Touch offers a low rate money transfer solution for millions of people in Africa. In effect, they have over 7,500 Touch Points covering 7 countries (10 to join soon) and make a daily transaction volume of 1 billion francs CFA.

If you are reading me and you want to own a Touch Point, make sure you are in one of the following countries: Senegal, Ivory Coast, Mali, Guinea Conakry, Kenya, Burkina Faso and Cameroon.

As for Cameroon, Touch Pay has the following services just from one smart-phone:

1. Mobile Money

MTN Mobile Money (MoMo), Orange Mobile Money (OM), YUP by SGC, Express Union Mobile

2. Airtime Transfer

Orange Cameroun, Yoomee Mobile, Nexttel Cameroon

3. Transfers

Express Union, UBA, WorldRemit (coming soon)

4. Utility Bill Payment

Coming soon

5. Insurance

Coming soon

6. Service Payment

CANAL+ (coming soon)

7. Prepaid Cards

Coming soon

8. Online Payment Platform (Merchant Transactions)

Touch Pay already has an interface that allows merchants to receive payments from different points of sale online. This service is already in trial and will be available to the public soon.

Get Your Own Touch Point

If you want to have you own Touch Point, fill the form below and get a discount. One of Touch’s customer service personnel will get in touch with you for your contract and a give you a link to the application.

For more information about Touch and Touch Pay, you can get in touch with us below or visit their website.

To get a discount of their services, you will have to pass through OpenHub Digital that is a Partner (a Touch Point).

We don’t only help you to start a business with 50000fcfa. We also Checkout other services offered by OpenHub Digital:

If you really want to start this business with 50000fcfa in Cameroon with ease, then get in touch with us now:

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