Section 13.- Where a joint stock company or a limited liability company owns either registered stock in a jointstock company or shares in a limited liability company, the net proceeds of the shares in the second company paid to the first during the financial year shall be deducted from the total net profit of the latter, less a percentage for costs and charges.

This percentage shall be fixed at 10% of the total amount of the said proceeds.

However, this provision shall apply only:

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(1) When the stocks or shares owned by the parent establishment represents at least 25% of the capital of the subsidiary firm.

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(2) When the parent and subsidiary firms have their registered office in a CEMAC State.

(3) When the stocks or shares allotted at the time of issue are still registered in the name of the participating company which undertakes to retain them for two consecutive years at least in registered form.

Any breach of this undertaking shall result in the assessment of the improperly exempted income, without prejudice to the penalties enforceable for inadequate returns.

Concerning banking and credit establishments, firms engaged in the investment or management of transferable securities, all arrears, and interest of other proceeds exempt from the tax on income from securities shall be excluded from the deduction above.

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